

1No original: "Each, the city and the artist, wears many masks. The uneasy relations between the two, in fact and in fiction, continue to baffle those who are impatient for a ready-make key that will at once unlock the secret of the city and of the man".


2No original: "(...) the only possible truth about man, the single admissible interpretation of the word which the artist hás set out to report".


3No original: "They represent the power of a social phenomenon, the newspaper and the kind of oratory it favors, over the conciousness of its audience".


4No original: "For a brief moment, Bloom’s uninformed interjection seems to reduce the inflated political oratory that swells the episode to the more realistic scale that only Bloom, among these characters, can attain".


5No original: "The reduction of history to self-perpetuating, self-advertising clichés like 'justice' is itself revealed as an important mechanism of cultural authority".


6No original: "Political speech, corrupt thought it may be, moves Stephen like the poetic art he has tried to keep separate from politics".


7No original: "Joyce explores the way (...), with the 'Evening Telegraph' newsmen, an autonomous realm of political rhetoric that would demand our belief — a language of propaganda to overwhelm private thoughts".






Referências bibliográficas


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GIFFORD, D. Ulysses annotated. Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1988.


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KERSHNER, R.B. Joyce and popular culture. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 1996.


MIKICS, D. History and the rethoric of the artist in ‘Aelous’. James Joyce Quarterly. Tulsa, v. 27, 1990, p. 533-558.


NOON, S.J. James Joyce: Unfacts, fiction and facts. Disponível em Acesso em 11 jan 2006.


SANTAELLA, L. A criação no jornal e na literatura. In:______. Cultura das mídias. São Paulo: Experimento, 1996. p. 51-58.








BARTHES, R. Aula. Trad.: Leyla Perrone-Moisés. São Paulo: Cultrix, 1987.


HOMERO. Odisséia. Trad.: Antônio Pinto de Carvalho. São Paulo: Abril Cultural, 1981.

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